Fisher Infographic

Fishers in the Central Interior are designated as endangered, and in North Eastern BC they are a population of special concern. The Fisher Infographic was designed to help inform and educate trappers about the Fisher Exclusion Box which was specifically designed to block fishers from entering traps and becoming bycatch.

Infographic & Spec sheet

PROJECT: Infographic & Spec sheet | Print PDF | Print Ad for Publication
ROLE: Illustration & Design
YEAR: 2021

I worked with a North Region Wildlife Specialist from the Ministry of Forests, to turn the facts and data from their research into a visually appealing and informative graphic to share their findings with trappers and inspire participation in the fisher recovery process. The 2 page design function both as an visual infographic, as well as detailed fact sheet for building effective fisher exclusion boxes.

The completed design served several functions, being printed and distributed within trapping communities, made available to download from the government website, as well as printed in BC Trappers Magazine.

Custom illustration

A custom digital illustration of a fisher was created for the project.

Customized for First Nation Communities

Through consultation with members of the Tsay Keh Dene and Secwempcs First Nation communities, the infographic’s language and information was customized to be relevant to their specific trapping communities.


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